When asked about what the best thing about being a photographer is, Ken eagerly responds, “The best thing about being a photographer is that you'll live life in a more positive and inspiring way. You'll get to create masterpieces, get to know a lot of nice people who share your passion, collaborate, inspire others, and know that your minute effort will help make the world a little better.” In the four years that he has been doing photography, he readily shares a nugget of wisdom — create with a good purpose. “Create so you may inspire, and with that inspiration, the people around you shall also transform of the better.” — a line that greatly stuck to him from one of the various talks he has attended before, and which still holds as his guiding principle to this day.
Fast forward to today, Ken takes inspiration from his friends who continue to keep their flame of passion burning; this is his motivation to keep on going and to stay creative. With the looming challenges brought forth by the pandemic, his friends continue to “create and recreate art”, giving others the inspiration, including himself; to try, create and make it his own.